
God never intended for persons to be loosely connected to churches. He has intention and there is purpose behind his plans. 

Let’s dive into this.

There are many persons who perceive the church as one of those organizations that you go to when you want to join another community group or add another society to their resume. However, the church was never intended to only fill that kind of spot in our lives. Church means so much more than that and it will change how we even view our membership.

God’s Household 

For us, we abide by the scriptures that say that the church is God’s own household; and membership is a real connection to God, his people, and what he is doing. 

Ephesians 2:19 puts it this way: “Now you are no longer strangers to God and foreigners to heaven, but you are members of God’s very own family, citizens of God’s country, and you belong in …”

When we are not present in the house of God, we act as strangers, and foreigners to God’s purpose. This of course is a mild way of putting things, but let’s face it. It shows that we are not interested in what God is doing. That’s serious! 

Household of Faith 

When we are disconnected from the body we are orphans – spiritual orphans. As though God had not given you pastors, and leaders and a framework for growth and accountability. Further, it means that you are not contributing to the household of faith. 

Matter of Commitment

At The Vision Center Church of all Nations, we believe that it was never God’s intention for you to be a member of the local church and not do anything. Further, it was never God’s will for you not to show stewardship with the resources that God has given you. To this end, we guide you in the right direction, and track, such as what is done in the book of numbers, so that we can mark those who work among us, and be strategic in making real life-changing progress.

A Double Commitment

A Christian’s commitment is a dual one. One to God, and the other to fellow believers. You cannot be a Christian, a follower of Christ, by commitment to God only. There is a scriptural requirement to commit to a fellowship (fellow believers) as well. The fellowship (n), of other believers, is what we refer to as the church. 2 Corinthians 8:4-5 reads thus, in the Wycliffe Bible,  “they gave themselves first to the Lord, afterward to us by the will of God. “; and Young’s Literal Translation “5 and not according as we expected, but themselves they did give first to the Lord, and to us, through the will of God,”

We ought to do to both, not either one or the other to do the will of God.

Building or Scattering?

Being part of a fellowship has practical implications for those who are interested in building the kingdom of God. Every fellowship that is built, every church that exists was built upon the tithes, offerings, and commitment of members. Without this practical commitment no commission (body of work), can expect to successfully complete God’s given mandate to that fellowship. As such we take it as the first sign of true commitment… a real practical kind that will bear witness to many generations to come. 

In a very direct statement, Jesus put it for us in black and white for us. Matthew 12:30 reads, “Whoever is not with me is against me; whoever does not gather with me truly is scattering. … If you are not on my side, you are against me. If you don’t gather …:”

Following, this more practical note, for us, membership is not only on paper but more importantly shown in deeds, and actions. It is shown in your attendance and your commitment. We measure this by using our membership covenant. Jesus showed that we could learn a lot by what people do with their money. 

In the story of the widow’s mite, we see Jesus point out that he was pleased with the lady because she had given all she had despite not having a lot. What he was pleased with was her commitment to him, and also to the house of God. Not one, but both. Scripture points out that believers are to bring the tithe (a tenth) of their income into the household of faith and give it as the offering (tithe). The widow by her actions and God’s approval shows that the tithe is the standard at which we begin, but our hearts will further guide us to what more we can do to honor God and build his Kingdom.

 In an earlier scripture he laid a valid foundation: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. In other words, we can look at where your money is going and know where your heart is. If the tithe, at least is not coming into the household of faith; then we know for sure, that, among other things, you really aren’t committed to biblical membership to God’s household. For us, it is a simple administrative measure, that makes perfect sense, thanks to the book of Numbers, and the principles that Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles have laid down for us. 

To this end, I exhort you, we exhort you to be a responsible believer and be connected to the body of Christ. Find a campus near you to become a member


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