Church family

The place of solitude and contemplation is a great place of benefit for believers. There we are able to reflect, introspect, and inform ourselves for greater steps that increase towards becoming like Christ. The bible calls us to become like Christ and be conformed to His image (Rom 12:1-2). This is not passive, but rather active participants in his will and purposes. How can we grow beyond our present circumstances, unless we examine the fringes of our reality?

We all are being changed from glory to glory as we behold him, as though looking through a glass (2 Cor 3:18). This speaks of revelation. It is as we look, that we begin to see ourselves as revealed by God. God enables the transformation process through the power of revelation. That is, light is shed upon us.

Light itself has intrinsic power. The most apparent is the power over darkness and the unknown. For even in the natural light vanquishes dark surroundings, and gives a sense of peace and safety, and warmth. But there is so much more to light, light empowers, light heals, light energizes and enervates. It is a stimulus for life and a most memorable one at that! It is, therefore, such a great privilege to live as children of the Light.

May we have a greater desire to partner God in this process, as we seek to be imitators of God as dearly beloved children (Eph 5:1-2).

Additional Scriptures
Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 13:12; 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6


Heavenly Father, help me to draw near to you today, and that I may behold your glory.

Getting quiet before God