Fasting Service in Jamaica

We want to take territory through fasting. That is, to take territory in the Inner Man. We want to take territory in our communities and we want to take territory and the heavenlies. A time of fasting allows us to draw near to God and to put to death the things of the flesh. Fasting requires sacrifice, it causes us to recognize our dependence upon God and to release ourselves into God’s power and possibility.

Today as we fast in obedience to the word of God and because of our love for God. Remember that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We desire to be the generation that seeks God’s face as Jacob did and because of that we fast evermore.

We encourage all the saints: sons of God and Daughters of this house to continue in fasting and prayer, and that as we fast and pray that we must be deliberate about our desires.

In Daniel chapter 10 verse12 we are told that God heard Daniel because of what he said; yes, because of his words as he fasted. Let us continue to fast and pray and choose our prayers to pray seriously in the presence of God.

Do you need further guidance or help? You can definitely reach out to us anytime.

Take action! Join us in our protracted time of fasting as a church. You may call our office to know further details or follow our social handles.

Gain Strength Through Fasting