Forensic Prophecy to a Visitor by Apostle Fuller

Forensic Prophecy in Scripture

Forensic prophesy is the means by which accurate details are presented in such intricate detail that one would consider the prophet to do the work of a forensic scientist, excavating details down to trace proportions. Forensic prophesy has been used in scripture to solve very difficult problems, and to confirm the call of God on individuals such a Saul in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Without this dimension of prophecy, many persons would doubt the existence of God.

Forensic prophecy to a visitor

During a recent event, the man of God  in a moment of prophecy was able to
A. state the name of a visitor accurately
B. Locate a physical condition of the heart and minister healing
C. Locate a physical condition of the lower abdomen and correct it
D. State the number of years since her last promotion to be three years accurately
E. Prophecy an imminent promotion at her workplace

Thanks be the God who does all things well and know you by name. Raise your faith as you come into the house expecting this precious gift to be in operation and that God knows your situation in precise details. As God continues to use our spiritual father in this manner, let us raise our faith as we connect with this multi-generational grace.


Forensic Prophecy to a Visitor by Apostle Fuller
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