You have not had a taste of Jamaica’s culture unless you have come to church. Not only am I inviting you, but I am preparing you for a taste of Jamaica that many oftentimes do not experience. Very few understand
Best Churches to visit in Jamaica
Am I really seeing correctly? I could hardly imagine my eyes as I saw, the link to the “16 best churches in Jamaica”. This piqued my curiosity as I looked on Pinterest and studied the images that followed. Here was
Church near my location
“I have had it!”, A country with the most churches per square mile! It is easy to imagine what could be going through the mind of a visitor who is trying to find a church that nearby. Most persons in
Jesus teaches the importance of planning
Jesus told a parable in Matthew 25:14-30 of servants who were given talents or resources by their master. In fact, they were not only given the resources but told to make good use of them. When we make a plan,